Psyllium Husk
Contains a premium concentrated soluble fiber that helps to smoothen the bowel movement, normalize the blood sugar level and lower the cholesterol risk.
A complete nutritious vegetable. Sources of vitamin A & K, folate, protein, fiber & calcium. As an anti-inflammatory, keeps our immune and prevents an anemia.
Oat Fibre
The food is able to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol level, helps digestion and prevents obesity.
Rich in vitamin B, amino acids, and enzymes to improve digestion. Helps overcome bowel irritation, increases red blood cells and maintains cholesterol level.
Contains high concentrated antioxidant, B12 & B Complex. Lowers cholesterol level, helps losing weight & improves body immune.
Sources of vitamin A & iron. Reduces blood pressure, maintains kidney function, reduces appetite & replaces loss of electrolyte fluids.
Rich in vitamin A, K, B2, B6, C & E. Serves as an antioxidant, helps to prevent cancer, diabetes and to maintain the digestive system.
Rich in vitamin C, fiber & minerals. Helps to overcome high blood pressure, increase immune system and helps to balance gastric acid level.